Telegram Mentoring Trial
Give yourself permission to TRY it out!
Service Description
You're overwhelmed and don't know where to start. You take care of everyone and everything else but dont know how to take care of you. You have the vision but don't know how to get there. You're in the burnout cycle and want to get out of it - doing less AND still creating success. You see people playing and doing fun things but don't actually know HOW to do that for you. Explore what it feels like to be mentored by Cait - the multi-passionate playful wise woman. Join Cait for a 24 hour experience in her telegram only mentorship package. Learn how powerful a tool like that can be. What it feels like to have mentor in your back pocket and available. How to squeeze all the juice out of a virtual talk/text coaching space like that. Come explore, play and try it on. See if its a good fit for you! Can you give yourself permission to take this small step and try it out?
Contact Details
Lancaster County, PA, USA
United States