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From Overwhelm to Joy: Prioritizing Happiness as a Business Owner - Episode 1

Welcome to episode one of the multi passionate playful wise woman show. I'm Cait Finn, and I am the playful wise woman. If you haven't picked up on it already for my intro, I love all the things. I love talking about all the things, I love learning about all the things and I love sharing all of that with my clients, my community, and the rest of the world

Really what my current version of the business is, is I am a play based leadership, marketing, and business mentor. What does that mean, being a play based leadership, business, and marketing mentor? What I do is I help business owners and leaders find their joy, find their peace, get clarity on their why, learn to prioritize themselves, ALL while we are strategizing, and expanding, clarifying and mapping out the business and creating a really beautiful action road map to roll all of that out. So that's the work I do. It's always in the both.

When I was shifting my business in 2020-2024, I thought I was going to go in a different direction with it. I am multi passionate, I love all the things I love talking about all the things I love teaching about all the things. I love sharing about all of the things, and I really thought it was going to go in a different direction.

And yet here I am, this is where I landed as a mentor, a coach, and a guide. And a lot of it is pulled from the wisdom that I have gained being multi passionate and exploring all the different fields and giving myself permission to prioritize my joy, wearing all the different hats that I love to wear, whether that be a leader, whether that be a business owner, whether that be a mom, A homesteader, an artist, um, really weaving all of those pieces together and the lessons that I've learned and a big part of my why for this business and what I do.


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